4-12 July, Online Summer Intensive with Delilah King

Hello Everyone,

The yearly 9-day Summer Intensive will be an online version this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I look forward to teaching an intense yoga asana and pranayama sequence that begins in the morning of the 1st day and ends at 12:30 on the last day.

Since online teaching is intensive, and I want to give you as much attention as possible in this format, the intensive will take place every morning from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with a maximum of 40 students.

The intensive is suitable for all levels from beginners with a minimum of one year of consistent asana practice to the more seasoned practitioner and teachers with a regular practice. Commit yourself to the 9-day yoga intensive practice that will balance, prime and restore the body and mind.

Daily participation is possible but with the sequence that is continuous over the span of 9 days, you may miss out on keys that were given on other days.

I hope to see you at the online intensive.

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” BKS Iyengar

Take care, with best regards,


Registration / more information
Online via the shop on the website. Once payment is received, your spot is reserved and you will receive the Zoom login information. For more information e-mail: online@iyengaryogaamsterdam.com

Posted in Institute News.