Learning, growing, adapting and keeping balance during these difficult times: update on online classes and class cards

Hello Everyone,

I hope all is going well with you and yours during these challenging times. It’s been a while since the last update.

As I cope and navigate through the uncertainty of the times, I have had to assess and reassess how best to keep the Yoga Institute going while it weathers through unprecedented financial hardship. After much consideration, I see as an only reasonable action to continue giving lessons online until the situation improves.

This decision is a big shift for me, too, and I am adapting to the situation as it evolves. I understand some of you may find it difficult to accept the measures that we have been forced to take, and the fact of taking lessons through a screen. But on the other hand, what I noticed in this new experience is that because of the limited number of students in the classes, I can observe more closely each participant on the screen and offer more detailed individual attention. Let’s remember: change can be the catalyst to learn, grow, adapt, and gain new insights.

With online classes, the home has to be your pop-up yoga studio. The adage “home is where the heart is” can’t be more significant than now; you can create a sanctuary for your well-being and peace of mind. The time saved on travel can spare you stress and can be used to prepare and focus on your yoga journey.

You do not need a computer or a laptop – all you need is a camera and a screen, so your phone is good enough. My lessons are clear and easy to follow. And I will give individual attention to each of you.

Suppose you do not have props, no worries. Iyengar used what he had around him to help people; I’m sure you’ll find your way into it.

Here are a few suggestions for props:
Blocks: Hard-cover books of the same size, fill up a shoe box with softcover books
Yoga belts: Belts, ropes, scarves
Bolsters: 3-4 Blankets and/or large towels in a pillow-case to replace bolsters, sofa cushions

For current classcard holders:

  • 10 and 13 class cards will be extended until December 31, 2020
  • Half year cards will be extended until February 28, 2021
  • Year cards will be extended until April 30, 2021
  • Medical class cards will be extended until April 30, 2021 and will be taught one on one online

Passepartout cards:

  • One month pp cards will be extended until 31 October 2020. Applies to cards purchased on 14 February 2020.
  • Three month pp cards will be extended until December 31, 2020. Only applies to cards purchased after 14 January 2020.
  • One year pp cards purchased after 14 March 2019 will be extended. Expiration dates will be adjusted per individual.
  • Teacher trainees, cards will be extended until December 31, 2020.

Please e-mail online@iyengaryogaamsterdam.com for your first booking of an online class with your class card. Make sure to send a photo of your current class card with the e-mail.

Yoga is about finding balance and equilibrium, embracing life’s challenges. All you need at this moment is your body, your mind and your breath. I aim to create a virtual community to continue our Yoga journey in which we will support each other. In the current time and current technology, the teacher comes into your home!

”The body is my temple, asanas are my prayers.” BKS Iyengar

With love and gratitude for your support,


Summer Intensive & info for Class Card holders

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well as you make your way through the challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. I want to keep you apprised of what’s going on at the Institute.

Summer Intensive:

The Institute’s traditional 9-day Summer intensive will take place online from the 4th until the 12 of July, 10:00-12:30. The 9-day intensive aims to restore balance, reconnect you with your inner resources and “find your inner peace that is not ruffled by the endless stresses and struggles of life”.

For Class card holders:

The Institute will continue online classes throughout the Summer, as it does not have the capacity to effectively ensure the necessary procedures to ensure health and safety of our students. As of 1 July, class card holders will be able to attend classes on the following days: Tuesdays, 18:00-19:15 and Wednesdays, 20:00-21:15. Information for class card holders can be found on the website: www.iyengaryogaamsterdam.com or contact online@iyengaryogaamsterdam.com. As the Institute has been greatly impacted by the lock down, and until further notice, I will be teaching the online classes.

We are living in a time of transition and transformation, and experiencing a roller coaster range of emotions as we head towards uncharted directions. Now is the time to reflect and embrace the changes with grace and resilience. Make self-care a priority, practice your yoga, enjoy the company of your loved ones, seize the day and play, rest, and be still. I hope to see you online and will keep you updated as things develop.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” BKS Iyengar



4-12 July, Online Summer Intensive with Delilah King

Hello Everyone,

The yearly 9-day Summer Intensive will be an online version this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I look forward to teaching an intense yoga asana and pranayama sequence that begins in the morning of the 1st day and ends at 12:30 on the last day.

Since online teaching is intensive, and I want to give you as much attention as possible in this format, the intensive will take place every morning from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with a maximum of 40 students.

The intensive is suitable for all levels from beginners with a minimum of one year of consistent asana practice to the more seasoned practitioner and teachers with a regular practice. Commit yourself to the 9-day yoga intensive practice that will balance, prime and restore the body and mind.

Daily participation is possible but with the sequence that is continuous over the span of 9 days, you may miss out on keys that were given on other days.

I hope to see you at the online intensive.

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” BKS Iyengar

Take care, with best regards,


Registration / more information
Online via the shop on the website. Once payment is received, your spot is reserved and you will receive the Zoom login information. For more information e-mail: online@iyengaryogaamsterdam.com

Online Yoga classes

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all are healthy and making the most out of these surreal times.

As of 5 May, I will offer on-line classes at the following times:
Tuesdays, Level 4 at 12:00-14:00
Wednesdays Level 1/2 at 12:00-13:15
Fridays, Level 2 at 12:00-13:15
Sundays, Level 3 at 12:00-13:30
Mondays, Level 1 at 20:00-21:15

Online teaching is intensive, and I want to give you as much attention as possible in this format, and therefore, the duration of the class will be shorter, with a maximum of 15 students.

Levels 1/2 class: 12.50
Level 3/4 class: 15.00
If you book and pay for 5 classes at once you will receive a 20% discount on the total fee. Please use the coupon code “20percent4five” during checkout. (valid for five weeks)

I am also offering private lessons. The private lessons cost Euro 50 for one hour and Euro 25 for half-hour.
Membership cards can be used for private lessons only:
One-hour private lesson = 4 strips of your class card.
A half-hour private lesson =2 strips of your class card.

Make sure to:
Download the free Zoom app.
Click on the app link in your order e-mail to access the class or go to “My account – Meetings”.
Before the start of the class, turn on the video, and mute the audio.
Centrally position yourself in front of the camera.
Clothing should be in contrast to your mat.
Your practice space should have good lighting, a wall, or a locked door.
Have your props readily available.

All classes are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

Attending an online class is at the students’ own risk. The BKS Iyengar Yoga Institute Amsterdam does not accept any liability for physical injury occurred during class participation. Take precautions by asking your doctor if you have questions about your health before class participation. Please make sure to inform the teacher of any injury or feeling well before the start of class; communicate if you are experiencing pain by raising your hand and turn on the audio.

I hope to see you online.

Take care, with best regards,


For class registration and queries, contact: online@iyengaryogaamsterdam.com

Update Easterworkshop, class cards, home practice

Hi Everyone,

Hope you, your family and friends are doing well, and that you have been using the time to enjoy life’s little pleasures.

As the school will be closed until June, here is an update on the following things:

  • Easter workshop: paid fees will be extended towards workshops offered at the Institute until April 2021.
  • Class cards will be on hold until the school is able to open again. However, to help you in maintaining the continuity of your practice, we will soon be offering online classes.
  • Stay tuned for more information about online classes.

In the meantime, please check out our Home Practice page.

Take care,


Home practice

A short restorative sequence to keep you going.

1. Supta Virasana

2. Supta Baddha Konasana

3. Salamba Purvottanasana – stool
4. Salamba Sarvangasana- Chair

If Salamba Purvottanasana – Stool and/or Salamba Sarvangasana-chair is not possible, skip to Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and choose any one of the variations that is accessible to you.

5. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
6. Viparita Karani

Please practice Viparita Karani with legs supported against the wall.

7. Savasana

Practice the last pose, Savasana, for 3-5 minutes.

Credit: Yoga in Action, Preliminary Course

COVID-19 update

Dear Students and Teachers,

A new health challenge, Covid-19 virus has created a seismic shift in the way we conduct our daily lives. The government has declared the closing of most businesses and schools, and we sequester ourselves until 6 April. Try not to run away from the situation by keeping yourself busy to fill the void of uncertainty that many are currently experiencing instead take the time for introspection and reevaluation. Take the opportunity to be still, breathe and re-create. A positive result of this health challenge is that pollution is decreasing and we are rising to the occasion by expressing and sharing the best of ourselves in a community minded manner to support each other through these trying times. This is the dawn of learning and understanding ourselves in relation to our world community and the environment in a more sustainable way. This global mindful practice that seems to have blossomed without effort will not only get us through to the other side of this crisis but beyond, as we have been reminded that we are in this thing called life together.

For those of you missing your yoga classes, there are many online classes being offered at the moment of which you can explore. In the meantime, I will think of ways to keep you encouraged. As well, your class cards will be extended for 3 weeks upon the reopening of the school on the 6th of April. Should there be a delay in reopening the school, you will be updated on the next steps.

And, finally, I would like to express my deep appreciation to all of the students and teachers who kept the classes running here and elsewhere, to all health care workers, supermarket and transit staff and to the delivery persons, take out joints and retail stores who are safely aiding, maintaining and providing a continuum in care, travel and routine during these challenging times.

Let’s take care of ourselves and each other.

I look forward to seeing us all together soon.

Until then, “Play consciously and live freely.”

With Love,



Beste studenten en leraren,

Het Covid-19 virus heeft een aardverschuiving teweeg gebracht in de manier waarop we ons dagelijks leven leiden; een nieuwe uitdaging op het gebied van onze gezondheid.
De overheid heeft besloten bedrijven en scholen te sluiten tot 6 april. Probeer deze situatie niet uit de weg te gaan door jezelf bezig te houden de leegte van de onzekerheid te vullen die velen van ons op het moment ervaren, maar neem de tijd voor zelfreflectie en herijking. Neem de gelegenheid om stil te zijn, te ademen en opnieuw te creëren. Een positief gevolg van deze gezondheidsuitdaging is dat de milieuverontreiniging af neemt. Daarnaast geeft het ons de mogelijkheid om het beste van ons zelf te laten zien en op een gemeenschapsgerichte manier elkaar te steunen in deze moeilijke tijd. Dit is het begin van een proces om op een duurzamere manier te leren leven, onszelf in dat opzicht beter te begrijpen in relatie tot onze wereldgemeenschap en de leefomgeving. Zonder moeite is deze wereldwijde bewustwording tot bloei gekomen en deze bewustwording zal ons niet alleen over deze crisis heenbrengen, maar ook verder dan dat omdat we er aan herinnerd worden dat we samen verantwoordelijk zijn voor het ‘leven’.

Voor degenen die hun yogalessen missen, er worden op het moment veel online lessen aangeboden die je kunt gaan ontdekken. Ondertussen denk ik na over manieren om je te stimuleren te blijven oefenen. Je leskaart zal verlengt worden met drie weken bij heropening van de school op 6 april. Je wordt op de hoogte gesteld mocht de heropening verder worden uitgesteld.

Als laatste wil ik mijn grote waardering uitspreken voor de studenten en leraren die zo lang mogelijk hebben geprobeerd de lessen door te kunnen laten gaan, voor de mensen werkzaam in de gezondheidszorg, supermarkt-, winkel-, catering- en vervoersmedewerkers, bezorgers, etc. die op een veilige manier helpen, en zorgen voor een continuïteit in zorg, vervoer en routine in deze moeilijke tijd.

Laten we goed voor onszelf en voor elkaar zorgen.

Ik kijk er naar uit om elkaar snel weer te kunnen zien.

Tot dan, ‘Speel bewust en leef vrij.’

Met liefde,
