Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful summer.
The virtual classes will be postponed for a couple of months.
I miss you all and look forward to seeing you again.
Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful summer.
The virtual classes will be postponed for a couple of months.
I miss you all and look forward to seeing you again.
Hi Everyone,
Due to moving house, classes are canceled for the week.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.
with kind regards,
Hello everyone,
Best Wishes to you and yours.
Photo: Sincerely Media
Classes will resume on 10 January 2022.
You will be able to register for online classes as of the 8th of January.
Peace and Love,
Hello everyone,
The winter holidays are near and hope you are looking forward to celebrating it with your family and friends.
Between 1 and 17 December, the class schedule will be changed due to personal matters abroad. Make sure to check the web for further information.
Cancelled classes this week:
Tuesday, 30 November and Wednesday 1 December
Additional Level 4 class this week and class timing changes for Friday and Sunday:
Thursday, 2 December, 18:00-20:00, Level 4
Friday, 3 December, 12:00-13:15, Level 2
Sunday, 5 December, 17:00-18:30, Restorative
Looking forward to seeing you online.
Peace and Love,
“Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together.” BKS Iyengar
Dear All,
Due to a family emergency, classes are cancelled for the week. Please check the class schedule next Monday, 15 November for an update.
My apologies for any inconvenience.
I look forward to seeing you all again.
The purchased 12 online classes are valid between 1 and 31 October 2021. Unused classes are null and void after 31 October 2021.
Once payment is received, within 24 hours you will receive a confirmation mail with a coupon code. You will need to individually sign up for each of the 12 classes using the special coupon code to receive the Zoom login information.
For more information e-mail: online@iyengaryogaamsterdam.com
Thank you all for attending the summer intensive. 🙏
I hope you enjoyed digging into the foundation of your practice. Whatever you do and wherever you go, embrace the journey.
Delilah King
Until the restrictions due to COVID-19 improves and keeping everyone’s safety in mind, the teacher training will be offered Online.
Now you can value the time saved on traveling to the Institute and use the opportunity to prepare for the sessions by setting aside some time to connect with what you want to cultivate and align within your practice and theory classes so that you are physically and mentally prepared to benefit from the Online sessions fully.
Make a space in your home into a sanctuary to inspire and develop a consistent home practice that will take you through the teacher training weekends and beyond. This is the journey that you have started when you enroll to study further through this program.
The teacher training sessions will comprise detailed instruction from your mentors, Q, and A sessions, and practical and theoretical assignments. These interactive components will optimize your learning experience and guide you in your study. Recordings of the practical sessions will be available for review for two weeks after each session.
In this way, the teacher training program is enriched with enough contact hours with the mentors, online, to ensure steady progress.
With the situation that we are now in, it is essential for your well-being and peace of mind that you continue to work on your growth and development, which is what this study will guide you in.
We will continue assessing the situation and adjusting the program whenever possible.
For more information e-mail me at info@iyengaryogaamsterdam.com.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Delilah King
Hello Everyone,
I hope all is going well with you and yours during these challenging times. It’s been a while since the last update.
As I cope and navigate through the uncertainty of the times, I have had to assess and reassess how best to keep the Yoga Institute going while it weathers through unprecedented financial hardship. After much consideration, I see as an only reasonable action to continue giving lessons online until the situation improves.
This decision is a big shift for me, too, and I am adapting to the situation as it evolves. I understand some of you may find it difficult to accept the measures that we have been forced to take, and the fact of taking lessons through a screen. But on the other hand, what I noticed in this new experience is that because of the limited number of students in the classes, I can observe more closely each participant on the screen and offer more detailed individual attention. Let’s remember: change can be the catalyst to learn, grow, adapt, and gain new insights.
With online classes, the home has to be your pop-up yoga studio. The adage “home is where the heart is” can’t be more significant than now; you can create a sanctuary for your well-being and peace of mind. The time saved on travel can spare you stress and can be used to prepare and focus on your yoga journey.
You do not need a computer or a laptop – all you need is a camera and a screen, so your phone is good enough. My lessons are clear and easy to follow. And I will give individual attention to each of you.
Suppose you do not have props, no worries. Iyengar used what he had around him to help people; I’m sure you’ll find your way into it.
Here are a few suggestions for props:
Blocks: Hard-cover books of the same size, fill up a shoe box with softcover books
Yoga belts: Belts, ropes, scarves
Bolsters: 3-4 Blankets and/or large towels in a pillow-case to replace bolsters, sofa cushions
For current classcard holders:
Passepartout cards:
Please e-mail online@iyengaryogaamsterdam.com for your first booking of an online class with your class card. Make sure to send a photo of your current class card with the e-mail.
Yoga is about finding balance and equilibrium, embracing life’s challenges. All you need at this moment is your body, your mind and your breath. I aim to create a virtual community to continue our Yoga journey in which we will support each other. In the current time and current technology, the teacher comes into your home!
”The body is my temple, asanas are my prayers.” BKS Iyengar
With love and gratitude for your support,